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Meetings of the London Branch are held at the Medical Society of London, 11 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London W1G 9EB, about seven minutes' walk from Oxford Circus Tube Station.

Meetings start either at 2:30pm (finishing by 4:30pm) or at 7.00 pm (finishing by 9.00 pm).  Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

Any member of the Society may attend without giving prior notice.  Guests are welcome as potential future members.

Zoom meetings are open to members and non-members alike.  If you want to join any of the meetings, notify Bernard Lamb at bernardlamb@btinternet.com who will send you the joining details.


Forthcoming event in the KES talks and readings programme

Tuesday 11 March 2025, commencing at 7.00 pm, finishing by 9.00 pm. Zoom Longtime member of the KES Robert Eddison will be discussing and sharing his love of aphorisms. Since 1997, he has written over 41,000 original maxims covering 150 subjects, from astronomy to zoology, ranging in style...

The current programme

  Offers to give talks or suggestions of topics will be most welcome. Please contact Bernard Lamb at bernardlamb@btinternet.com; further details inside the front cover of Quest. He will also be happy to receive nominations for the King’s English Society Prize for Excellent English. They must be of prose published in the particular year, with long items such as books represented...